Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

PatientKee​per Helps Physicians Keep up with Workflow

Most physicians spend time shuttling between clinic and hospital. While on the go they need to keep up with their patient workflow, but it can be tough. Each place has its own system with its own log-ins and protocols.


Is Your Practice Running Smoothly?

Aprima’s software for Practice Administrators offers everything the Practice Administrator needs to keep the practice running smoothly. The features include revenue cycle management, electronic data interchange and credit card processing. Aprima’s electronic data interchange is HIPAA-compliant and it allows practices to submit claims and receive payment quickly and conveniently.


How to Save Time While Evaluating Pharmaceuticals

Time is money in the medical world, and meeting with pharmaceutical reps takes time away from seeing patients. However, if doctors don’t visit with reps, they can’t learn about new products.


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