Cynthia Atoji

Cynthia Atoji

A Solution for Data Aggregation for ICD-10

Wellcentive has developed a software platform that aids physicians in complying with ICD-10 requirements and also helps improve the overall health of patients.


Interoperability: Barriers Remain to Data Exchange

It’s no secret that pressing the “On” button for Electronic Health Records (EHR) hasn’t been easy. But a study just released by the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association found that “major obstacles” need to be overcome to fully realize the potential of health information technology and capitalize on the investments that have already been made.


Preparing for the ICD-10 Compliance Deadline: One Expert’s View, the website for the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, has a ICD-10 countdown clock running on its website. As of mid-April, it read something like: 170 Days, 9 Hours, 43 minutes and 47 seconds. But many practices are still scrambling to prepare for the Oct. 1 deadline.


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